May: The Month of Diversity – Time to Promote DEI Practices

diversity month

Since November 20, Empify Social Impact has been a proud signatory of the Diversity Charter. This commitment underscores our dedication to creating a workplace free from discrimination while promoting Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion. 

Diversity Month  

May is a special month dedicated to emphasizing the importance of diversity and inclusion both in the workplace and in society at large. Organizations worldwide celebrate the diversity of their teams, reaffirm their commitment to DEI (Diversity, Equity & Inclusion) values, and highlight initiatives aimed at creating more inclusive environments. It’s an inspiring time for organizations dedicated to building inclusive societies and strengthening their DEI efforts. 

Year-Round Initiatives to Implement 

  • DEI Awareness Campaigns: Regularly organize educational campaigns on diversity, equity, and inclusion. 
  • Employee Resource Group: Create employee resource groups (ERGs) and employee networks focused on various aspects of diversity. 
  • Employee Well-being: Invest in the well-being and health of employees, involving them in the process. 
  • Sharing Personal Stories: Encourage employees to share their experiences related to diversity. 
  • Regular Surveys: Frequently assess employees’ needs to improve diversity policies. 
  • Discrimination Reporting Procedures: Establish clear procedures for reporting discrimination, ensuring support for employees. 

Diversity? Check!  

On May 21, we concluded Diversity Month in Poland with a gala summarizing the 4th edition of the Diversity IN Check survey. As signatories of the Diversity Charter, we were honored to participate in this event. Diversity IN Check, conducted by the Responsible Business Forum, helps employers evaluate and enhance their DEI practices. Organizations are assessed based on a questionnaire aligned with international standards such as the Sustainable Development Goals, ISO 26000, ISO 30415, and GRI Standards. The survey results in a List of the Top Employers in Poland for Diversity Management and Inclusive Workplace, with 54 organizations making the list this year. 

Change Viewed by Employees 

In the context of ESG, it’s crucial to plan, execute, and evaluate the effectiveness of actions, rather than just maintaining the status quo. Measuring the social aspect (S in ESG) is key to assessing an organization’s progress in diversity and inclusion. Being seen as a leader by your employees doesn’t require winning “Employer of the Year” in official rankings. What matters is making progress and implementing changes that foster a more inclusive and friendly work environment. Consistently monitor progress, celebrate each positive change, and recognize the efforts and actions taken towards achieving these goals. 

Thank you to everyone supporting our mission to create a world for everyone. We invite you to join us in promoting diversity and inclusion in Poland. 


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