Webinar for Neurodiversity Celebration Week: “How to Implement Neurodiversity in Organizations?”

we are supporting neurodiversity celebration week

15-20% of the population is neurodivergent, experiencing the world differently. Neurodiversity describes the multitude of ways in which we can think, move, hear, see, understand, learn, process information, or communicate. Increasing awareness and deeper knowledge about the diversity of human minds are shifting societal approaches to education, the workplace, and interpersonal relationships. By embracing and understanding neurodiversity, we pave the way for inclusive communities where each person is valued and can contribute to the greater good. 

Neurodiversity Celebration Week: Understand, Appreciate, and Celebrate 

Neurodiversity Celebration Week was initiated by Siena Castellon, who is diagnosed with ADHD, dyslexia, dyspraxia, and is on the autism spectrum. Siena noticed that society often focuses on the challenges associated with neurodiversity, neglecting the unique abilities of neuroatypical individuals. I launched this campaign in 2018 to foster a greater acceptance, understanding, and appreciation of neurodivergent talents. This week encourages organizations, educational institutions, and individuals to hold events that raise awareness and celebrate neurodiversity. 

Webinar: “How to Implement Neurodiversity Topics in Organizations in an Effective and Supportive Manner?” 

During Neurodiversity Celebration Week, Empify Social Impact and Brain Architects are hosting a webinar focused on the practical aspects of implementing neurodiversity topics in organizations. The online meeting, scheduled for March 22 at 10:00 AM, will be led by Dominika Pikul, a neuropsychologist, and Katarzyna Kamińska, a DEI communication expert and a social pillar “S” in ESG. This session is an opportunity for attendees to enhance their knowledge and skills in fostering an inclusive environment where everyone’s potential can be fully realized. Registration is open and free for this event. By participating in Neurodiversity Celebration Week, you contribute to building a society that values inclusivity. 


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